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TEEN WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION: The Safe & Effective Path To Health & Self-Confidence

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Schwartz, Erika
William Morrow
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Dr. Erika Schwartz provides parents with insight into the hormonal challenges that fuel teens' battles with weight and outlines her plan for protection from the perilous side effects of obesity in The Teen Weight-Loss Solution. This inspirational and scientifically sound book reveals how teens can lose weight by understanding their changing bodies and addressing their health needs from the inside out. The Teen Weight-Loss Solution offers the stories of real teens coping with the heartbreaking physical and emotional consequences of obesity. Dr. Schwartz reveals that the trigger for budding weight problems in teens can often be traced to the beginning of puberty, when their bodies are overloaded with hormones that impact mood, energy, motivation, and weight gain. Teens feel condemned to exist in their fuller figures and cannot understand the hormonal correlation between their emotional havoc and their expanding bodies. Dr. Schwartz's weight-loss solution teaches parents that they must look beyond the notion of managing their teen's weight problem with an old-fashioned forced diet and address not only body weight, but the whole individual. Parents must make the hormonal connection to obesity for their teen and help their doctor devise a plan that will help their child manage his or her health by monitoring diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Dr. Schwartz also reveals a revolutionary step-by-step, dose-by-dose plan for how natural hormones and supplements can be used to help achieve optimal balance of a teen's raging hormones for improved mood, energy level, and weight loss. The Teen Weight-Loss Solution offers new hope and a tried-and-proven plan that parents can implement today to start teens on the path to both a brighter future and a lifetime of health and self-confidence.


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