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YOU'LL SEE IT WHEN YOU BELIEVE IT: The Way To Personal Transformation

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Dyer, Wayne W
Harper Paperbacks
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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, psychotherapist, lecturer, and worldûfamous author of the phenomenal bestseller, Your Erroneous Zones, now takes us to new plateaus of selfûawareness in his most powerful book yet. You'll See It When You Believe It will show you how, by tapping the truly amazing power that lies within you, you can direct the course of your own destiny. Using examples from his own highly successful experiences, Wayne Dyer will convince you that, with his proven techniques, you can make your most impossible dreams come true. Believe that you have the power to: Make your life anything you wish it to be; Set real goals and achieve them; Turn obstacles into opportunities; Rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil; Develop a strong innerûconfidence; Dramatically improve relationships; Choose a life of abundance; Spend every day doing the things you love to do.


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