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CALL - THE: Discovering Why You Are Here

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Oriah Mountain Dreamer
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The Call exhorts us to heed the voice inside us, calling us to discover and to live fully our true selves and our heart's desires - finding our own unique calling, not in the expectations of others and in the outside world, but deep within ourselves. I have heard it all my lifeA voice calling a name I recognized as myown.Sometimes it comes as a soft-belliedwhisper.Sometimes it holds an edge of urgency.But always it says: Wake up my love. Youare walking asleep.There's no safety in that! The Call, like Oriah's previous books, starts with an evocative, richly textured prose poem. In it, Oriah challenges readers to discard what they know of themselves as seen through other people and the world around them, and to delve deep into their own selves to find who they truly are. She persuades the reader that there is nothing as essential as what you believe yourself to be, and that it's not necessary to search for meaning in other people and the world's agendas; just be confident of your own distinct gifts, challenges and dreams.


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