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POWER OF BIRTHDAYS, STARS AND NUMBERS: The Complete Personology Reference Guide

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Crawford, Saffi & Sullivan, G
Ballantine Books
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The most complete, comprehensive birthday forecast available--synthesizing the secrets of astrology, numerology, and fixed stars!In this delightfully addictive, wholly accessible book, two skilled astrologers guide you toward greater psychological insight, self-awareness, and a keen understanding of your unique position in the universe. Packed with an extraordinary wealth of knowledge and clear, easy-to-interpret graphs and charts, The Power of Birthdays, Stars and Numbers provides: +ááBIRTHDAY FORECASTS--366 profiles--one for each day of the year--reveal your positive and negative personality traits, career strengths, tips on love and relationships, your secret self, your best days for romance and friendship, potential fatal attractions, famous people who share your birthday, and much more!INCLUDING! +ááFIXED STARS--Though astrologers have used fixed stars for centuries, now the general public can reap the rewards of this classic method for enlightenment. The stars that line the heavens radiate great power, depending on your date of birth. You'll learn your primary fixed star plus those that influence your astrological chart. +ááNUMEROLOGICAL PROFILES--Discover the importance of the nine basic numbers, and learn how to calculate your holistic number (which reveals your life purpose) and your personal year number (which sheds light on what specific lessons a particular year has in store for you).Travel beyond the twelve signs of the zodiac and tap into The Power of Birthdays, Stars and Numbers. You hold centuries of wisdom in your hands.

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