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GETTING INTO HEAVEN: Departing Instructions For Your Life Now

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From the author of the multimillion-selling bestselling, 90 Minutes in Heaven, spiritual instructions for living and preparing for eternal life. Since publishing his inspirational bestseller in 2004, Don Piper has traveled the world spreading his message of faith-certain faith-in the promise of Heaven. In Heaven is Real, Piper shared how life's trials can be turned into spiritual lessons, when we are open to the certainty of God's grace and love. Now, in his first new book in four years, Piper draws on his own firsthand experiences with the joys of Heaven-as well as the lessons found in the Gospel-to offer a set of 'departing instructions,' helping readers face the inevitable battles ahead, prepare for eternal life, and, starting today, live a happy, fulfilling, purposeful life on Earth while preparing for the glories of Heaven.


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