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END OF DAYS: Predictions & Prophecies About The End Of The World

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Humans have long been concerned with the ultimate clash of civilizations, but never more so than now. Religious wars, global terrorism, and genocide have all helped to usher in the Anxiety Age. Who better to lead the way out than popular psychic Sylvia Browne? In End of Days, Browne tackles the most daunting of subjects with her trademark clarity, wisdom, and serenity, answering such difficult questions as: Whats coming in the next fifty years? The Mayan calendar predicts the world will end in 2012but what will really happen? What do the great prophecies of Nostradamus and the Book of Revelation mean? If the world is really going to end, what will unfold in our final hours? For anyone whos ever wondered where were headed, and whatif anythingwe can do to prevent a catastrophe of biblical proportions, End of Days is a riveting and insightful must-read.


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