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IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD: Strengthening Your Relationship When The Going Gets Tough

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How to maintain a strong marriage no matter what comes your way Now more than ever couples are facing tough times that can impact even the strongest of marriages. In In Good Times and Bad, family counselor and relationships expert M. Gary Neuman takes a look at one of the biggest issues couples face-money management-and gives you the tools you need to deal with whatever financial challenges come your way. Neuman explains why it's so important to talk about money in your marriage, and offers strategies on how to discuss this often avoided topic. No matter your age or how long you've been together, In Good Times and Bad will teach you how to come together when it matters most. Learn what money means to you and how to strengthen your marriage even during challenging times Includes strategies for dealing with other tough times such as grieving or serious illness From the author of the New York Times bestseller The Truth about Cheating In Good Times and Bad is the tool you need to ensure your relationship remains strong through all of life's ups and downs.


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