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FAMILY GUIDE TO HOMEOPATHY: Symptoms & Natural Solutions

$24.00 each

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Lockie, Andrew
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A Safe, Natural, and Effective Alternative MedicineMillions of people, including health professionals, are mining to homeopathy, a form of medicine that treats illness by stimulating the body's natural defenses. Dr. Lockie explains how homeopathy can help restore health, rather than simply fight disease.This family reference guide provides all the information necessary to understand how homeopathy works, and how any individual can use it simply and safely to treat a wide variety of illnesses. Accessibly organized by symptoms affecting all parts of the body from head to toe, The Family Guide to Homeopathy offers a list of remedies for hundreds of conditions along with details on how often and how long to give the remedy. It covers everything from heart disease to menopause, from allergies to ulcers, including advice on when to consult a doctor. Special sections feature symptoms and solutions for special problems affecting men, women, infants, and the elderly.


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