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LIFE AT WORK: The Joy Of Discovering What You Were Born To Do

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Moore, Thomas
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A job is never just a job. It is always connected to a deep and invisible process of finding meaning in life through work.In Thomas MooreÆs groundbreaking book Care of the Soul, he wrote of ôthe great malady of the twentieth centuryàthe loss of soul.ö That bestselling work taught readers ways to cultivate depth, genuineness, and soulfulness in their everyday lives, and became a beloved classic. Now, in A LifeÆs Work, Moore turns to an aspect of our lives that looms large in our self-regard, an aspect by which we may even define ourselvesùour work. The workplace, Moore knows, is a laboratory where matters of soul are worked out. A LifeÆs Work is about finding the right job, yes, and it is also about uncovering and becoming the person you were meant to be.Moore reveals the quest to find a lifeÆs work in all its depth and mystery. All jobs, large and small, long-term and temporary, he writes, contribute to your lifeÆs work. A particular job may be important because of the emotional rewards it offers or for the money. But beneath the surface, your labors are shaping your destiny for better or worse. If you ignore the deeper issues, you may not know the nature of your calling, and if you donÆt do work that connects with your deep soul, you may always be dissatisfied, not only in your choice of work but in all other areas of life. Moore explores the often difficult processùthe obstacles, blocks, and hardships of our own makingùthat we go through on our way to discovering our purpose, and reveals the joy that is our reward. He teaches us patience, models the necessary powers of reflection, and gives us the courage to keep going.A LifeÆs Work is a beautiful rumination, realistic and poignant, and a comforting and exhilarating guide to one of lifeÆs biggest dilemmas and one of its greatest opportunities.


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