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WORDS OF JESUS: A Gospel Of The Sayings Of Our Lord

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Tickle, Phyllis
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The Words of Jesus What if you could encounter the words of Jesus on their own, lifted up from the surrounding narratives and presented in their full power and mystery? That's the question Phyllis Tickle--one of America's most beloved writers on Christian spirituality--asked when she set out to write what she calls a 'Sayings gospel.' In The Words of Jesus Tickle has compiled and arranged all the Sayings of Jesus from the first four books of the New Testament and the first chapter of the Book of Acts in a way that creates an entirely new kind of encounter with the texts. And she has accompanied those Sayings with her own personal reflections and commentaries not just on the words themselves but on the One who spoke them. While researching the book, Tickle discovered five distinct categories of Jesus' Sayings from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: words of public teaching, words of private instruction, words of healing dialogue, words of intimate conversation, and words of post-resurrection encounter. By arranging Jesus' Sayings within these categories, she is better able to allow readers to tap into the teachings' true and essential meaning. In this important book, Tickle brings out the richness of Jesus' words and makes each passage stand on its own and in so doing highlights the variance and diversity in Jesus' Sayings and in the people for whom they were intended. The Words of Jesus gives readers a thoughtful way to experience a clearer, more embodied encounter with Jesus and with the meaning of and messages in His Words.


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