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ATLANTIS: Lost Kingdom Of The Andes

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Floris Books
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This remarkable study is the culmination of thirty years' research into the possibility that the continent we know today as 'South America' is none other than the ancient continent of Atlantis. Assembling a wide body of evidence, the study concludes that the fabled lost city of Atlantis itself, as described by Plato, may have existed on the Altiplano in Bolivia, identifying a site complete with a rectangular plain, concentric rings of land and water channels just as Plato described it. The true history of this remote, beautiful and fascinating region was lost as a result of the Spanish Conquest when the continent was renamed America. Indeed the first accounts of Inca history by Spanish writers of the period, later suppressed by the authorities and only recently made public, confirm that 'America' was originally known as Atlantis. Now, for the first time, Jim Allen's research presents an 'Atlantis theory' backed up with full documentation of a site which corresponds to Plato's detailed description on a wide variety of points: the level rectangular plain, the mysterious metal 'orichalcum', red, black and white stones, hot and cold springs, the five pairs of twin sons, as well as the local legend of a city sunk by earthquakes, leaving a site which can still be visited today. The book is lavishly illustrated with line drawings and photographs, many taken during the author's expeditions in the field.


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