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INTERCEPTED PLANETS: Possibilities For A New Age

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American Federation of Astrologers
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Historically, we are at the end of the Piscean Age, standing on the brink of the Age of Aquarius. People with intercepted planets have a key role in this transition, in the development of consciousness, because they were born outside the general consciousness. Their lives are as different as their charts. They are the Possibility People. They have reincarnated to assist the World with the transition to the Age of Aquarius.Like every Possibility Person, 'My journey is far more significant that the physical events of my life,' writes Alice. 'It really began when I was taking algebra. I remember thinking that somewhere there should be something like an algebraic equation that could be applied to all of life.'Nearing my Uranus Opposition, I was looking for answers for my own odd-looking life when astrology entered it. Immediately, I was confronted with my own interception. Not finding answers in existing texts, I was haunted by questions - questions that led me within. Gradually, answers came and my practice provided a wonderful testing ground for them. This book is a result.In this second Interception book, Alice Miller explains the core issues and the nuances of intercepted planets - psychologically, in everyday and family life, and as a means to expand consciousness. Her goal is that of healing, overcoming, teaching, and sharing the wisdom that comes with rising consciousness. In this book you will find in-depth chapters on each planet, the Nodes and Fortuna when caught in an intercepted sign. It explains the differences that interception makes to each, as well as how that difference affects the signs and houses it rules including problems in early years and the gifts they finally bring.


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