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VISION BOARDS: A Guidebook For Mapping Out Your Vision

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A vision board is a large canvas where you paste pictures of all that you dream of achieving, having or experiencing. Native Americans built dream-catchers and used rocks, beads or feathers to symbolize their desires or wishes. They would place the dream-catchers in places where the wind blew, so that their wishes would become transparent to the universe--- cleaned and brought forward from the realm of their mind into physical reality. Building your vision board is a process of self-discovery and transformation. It is similar to a vision quest, only you do it in your own home in a step-by-step process. You focus on one area of your life such as relationships, money or your body. Then, you 'vision' or bring that area of your life into alignment with your higher soul path. As a psychic business coach, I have helped many people change their lives in a short time. Almost everyone I've worked with has tons of 'Aha!' moments along the way. If you had a choice: would you want to see your life as clearly and as focused as your higher self sees you? This is what vision mapping can do for you.


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