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SHIFT HAPPENS! How To Live An Inspired Life...Starting Right Now! - new edition

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Hay House
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ááááá áTwo caterpillars were crawling along a tree branch one day when a butterfly flew overhead. One caterpillar said to the other, ôYou will never get me up in one of those things.öáááá Shift Happens! is about personal alchemy and inner transformation. Some people ôgoö through life; and other people ôgrowö through life. Shift Happens! ¡celebrates your unlimited potential to grow, blossom, and evolveùin spite of everything. It is a book of hope.áááá The term personal alchemy describes the ability to take a piece of dirt, roll it around a few times, and fashion it into a pearl. This is what an oyster does. Personal alchemy is what your grandmother called turning lemons into lemonade. It is what old wizards described as turning straw into gold.áááá Shift Happens! is about staying open all hours for miracles. Success, love, and happiness are only ever one thought away at most. One new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one change of heart, one leap of faith, can change your life forever.


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