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STORM BEFORE THE CALM: Book 1 In The Conversations With Humanity Series

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Hay House, Inc
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Something happened in early 2011 that hasn’t happened in decades, perhaps centuries—and we didn’t even notice it. That is, we didn’t see it for what it was. Massive unrest from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya rocked the Arab world and threw the globe into political crisis. Within days, an earthquake-tsunami-nuclear calamity of terrifying proportions shocked Japan and sent the world reeling once again, even as the globe’s financial markets shuddered to sustain themselves while states and nations tottered on the brink of bankruptcy—where many still linger.All of this, of course, we did notice. What we may have missed was that ancient predictions for this period of time called for exactly this: simultaneous environmental, political, and financial disasters. Were we seeing the beginning of “the end of history”—and not picking up the signal?In his prescient new book The Storm Before The Calm, seven-time New York Times best-selling author Neale Donald Walsch offers a startling answer: yes. But Walsch also says there is nothing to fear, advancing an extraordinary explanation for what is happening even now all over the planet.Then—and more important—he provides a stunning prescription for healing our lives and our world through the answering of seven simple questions, inviting people everywhere to join in an earth-saving exchange at and perfectly timed, The Storm Before The Calm answers every question that is worth asking about December, 2012 and beyond.


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