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ORTHO-BIONOMY: A Path To Self Care

$26.95 each

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North Atlantic Books
Ortho-Bionomy is based on the premise that the body inherently knows how to heal and self-correct, given the opportunity. This user-friendly self-help guide by one of the pioneers of the approach presents positions, postures, and movements designed to release tension and ease pain. Not only are the techniques simple to perform, but they can be done on one's own, without the use of special equipment. Positions for each part of the body are clearly described in lay terms and illustrated with photos and drawings. Selected topics include low back, hip and knee pain, neck, shoulder, and rib releases, repetitive strain injuries, and arthritic pain in the hands. Quick fixes for sciatica, suggestions for dealing with menstrual cramps, and gentle movement exercises to address posture, scoliosis, and flexibility of the spine are just a few among 150 techniques described. The book also includes simple movements and exercises to increase ease, function, strength, and flexibility once the pain has subsided. Rounded out with human-interest stories and client examples, this accessible work can be used quickly and effectively by anyone with pain.


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