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BECOMING RAW: The Essential Guide To A Nutritious Raw Vegan Diet

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Nutrition experts Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina provide the essential information needed to safely embrace a new dietary lifestyle as they did for vegetarians/vegans in The New Becoming Vegetarian and Becoming Vegan. Here is the first authoritative look at the science behind raw foods. People use raw food to lose weight, fight chronic health problems, and/or benefit from the high level of nutrients found in uncooked or sprouted foods. The authors offer science-based answers to tough questions about raw foods and raw diets, furnish nutrition guidelines and practical information, and show how to construct a raw diet that meets recommended nutrient intakes simply and easily. A section of over forty-five recipes provides dishes for any time of day and every occasion. Food historian Rynn Berry fills readers in on the history of raw diets. Also includes a section on what foods and equipment are needed to get started and what raw food preparation basics are good to master.


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