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PHOENIX LIGHTS: A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone - new edition

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Charles Scribner's Sons
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On March 13, 1997 something extra-ordinary happened in the skies over Phoenix and across Arizona. On that clear evening a parade of low flying, mile wide V-shaped formations of orbs and craft glided silently overhead, attracting the attention of at least 10,000 people. This is the detailed account of that evening and the ensuing cover up of what is now being hailed as the largest mass sighting of UFOs in modern timesbut there is much more to the story.By following the journey of a respected medical professional, who moved from skepticism to belief while meticulously investigating the topic for thirteen years since the event, the reader takes a wide-ranging tour of UFO history, from primitive cave paintings to 21st century reports. Extensive image analysis combined with the testimony of a variety of well-known figures, including past presidents and astronauts, such as Dr. Edgar Mitchell, make a compelling case that these anomalous phenomena have been visiting us for millennia.This revised and expanded version of the bestselling 2004 edition shares the latest UFO developments and sightings, in addition to a convincing connection between all Unexplained Phenomena -- what the author calls UPs. There is also recent testimony from eyewitnesses, a 911 Phoenix police operator, as well as commercial and military pilots. In addition, former AZ governor, Fife Symington, who mocked the sighting at a press conference in 1997, now admits publicly that he witnessed the event and what he saw was 'otherworldly'.Most riveting, is new, persuasive evidence -- revealed for the first time -- which takes a giant step forward in supporting the reality that we are not alone!


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