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CHOOSE THEM WISELY: Thoughts Become Things!

$16.00 each

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Atria Books/Beyond Words
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Living the life of your dreams isn't just about dreaming: it's also about living--following your impulses, turning over every stone, and stepping out into the world so the wind can catch your sails. All that stands between you and the fulfillment of your dreams is what you think and what you do. To those in the know, it's as if your dreams paint the picture and the universe stands ready to bring it to life.Choose Them Wiselyis filled with more of the inspirational messages from 'the Universe' that made the Notes from the Universe trilogy so popular, but now the thoughts have been fully expanded. Each message contains even more information and concrete examples for how to actually apply these ideas to everyday life. Mike Dooley's conversational, inviting tone welcomes readers at every level of self-development into the wonder of their own self-directed futures.Choose Them Wiselyis a fun and playful roadmap for creating an amazing, richer life.


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