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CELL-LEVEL HEALING: The Bridge From Soul To Cell

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Simon & Schuster
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Our bodies glow with the miracle of life pulsing in 100 trillion cells. Spiritual resources can positively influence the wizardry of our natural cell science that repairs and renews the body. Cell-Level Healing: The Spiritual Bridge From Soul to Cell provides instruction at the interface of biology and spirit.While Masaru Emoto shows us that our thoughts change the structure of water, Dr. Hawkes shows that our thoughts change the functioning of our cells.Profoundly effective, yet simple to understand and use, the principles of appreciation, clearing, flow, and cell-level healing described and illustrated in Cell-Level Healing promote vibrant health. The book embarks on the premise that healing is a basic part of human nature, and provides a guide for the reader to tap their innate healing abilities.Introducing the concept of cell-level healing, the book leads the reader through exercises for health and healing. Illustrated with stories, electron microscope photography, and other inspiring pictures by the author, the book shows how simple tenets of spiritual healing can be applied to individual situations.1. Appreciation of the physical body is described through the eyes of a cell biologist with spiritual insight. Attributes of the universe that apply to healing include mystery, creativity, balance, and resiliency.2. The principle of clearing addresses emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects.3. A chapter on flow examines the nature of soul language or vibrational uniqueness, rate, and direction of energy movement.4. Deepening the conscious reach of healing to the cellular level gives this book its unique place among the collection of books on healing.


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