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HOMESCHOOLING: A Family's Journey

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Millman, Gregory & Millman, Martine
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This intimate, eminently practical memoir of a successful homeschooled family of six children illuminates todayas most exciting choice in education, and shows how it works from cradle to college. What is it that homeschoolers do that the public schools canat or wonat? There are at least as many answers as there are studies. But nothing can capture the homeschooling experience in all its richness like the story of a real family that homeschools its children in middleclass America. 'Homeschooling: A Familyas Journey' is the perfect book for those millions of Americans who may know someone who homeschools, who may have read about it, thought about it, and wondered whether homeschooling is right for them. Sharing the concerns of committed parents everywhere, authors Gregory and Martine Millman are consistently practical, informed, caring, and no-nonsense in their approach. They pay special attention to homeschooling and college, the economics of home-learning, and how a parent can really handle a childas full education. 'Homeschooling' opens a window on an exciting, important way of educationaand, even more, a way of lifeathat can make all the difference in your familyas world.


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