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Kolster, Bernard C & Waskowiak, Astrid
Healing Arts Press
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HEALTH / BODYWORKThe Acupressure Atlas The Acupressure Atlas is a fully illustrated and comprehensive reference guide that demonstrates how acupressure techniques activate and accelerate the body's self-healing powers to alleviate many health problems, including even the common cold. Sensory ailments--such as trouble sleeping, sensitive stomach, headaches, joint problems, and allergies--have been steadily increasing in Western countries for decades. Acupressure can effectively prevent and treat all of these disorders, and more. It is suited to self-treatment, the treatment of a partner, and especially the treatment of children.Acupressure, which is a component of traditional Chinese medicine, prevents disorder from arising by harmonizing and balancing the body's energies. One pillar of traditional Chinese medicine is the model that sees qi (life energy) circulating throughout the human body along a series of channels, or energy meridians. When qi can move freely along these channels, we experience good health and a sense of well-being. When our life energy is restricted or blocked--through stress, injury, poor diet, lack of exercise, or overwork--we experience pain and the symptoms of illness. Lined up along the meridians like pearls on a string are sensitive points called acupressure points. It is at these points that the meridians connect to the surface of the body. By massaging the acupressure points on the body's surface, we can release internal energy blockages and allow the health-giving energy to move freely once again.Along with an introduction to the origins and principles of traditional Chinese medicine, The Acupressure Atlas provides the most important basic techniques as well as step-by-step instructions, illustrated in full color, of the practical and specific information needed to put the healing techniques of acupressure at your fingertips. An illustrated appendix, providing a detailed overview of every point discussed in the book, will prove to be an invaluable reference.BERNARD C. KOLSTER, M.D., is a physical therapist and doctor. He has written a number of books on acupressure and reflexology in German and is the author, in English, of Partner Massage and Look After Your Back. ASTRID WASKOWIAK, M.D., is a doctor as well as a medical and scientific editor. She writes about general medicine, natural healing methods, and medical tips for travelers. Drs. Kolster and Waskowiak are also the coauthors, in English, of The Reflexology Atlas. They live in Germany.

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