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BASIC CODE OF THE UNIVERSE: The Science Of The Invisible In Physics, Medicine & Spirituality

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Explains the universal information code connecting every person, plant, animal, and mineral and its applications in science, health care, and cosmic unity • Examines research on consciousness, quantum physics, animal and plant intelligence, emotional fields, Kirlian photography, and the effects of thoughts, emotions, and music on water • Reveals the connections between the work of Ervin Laszlo on the Akashic field, Rupert Sheldrake on morphogenetic fields, Richard Gerber on vibrational medicine, and Masaru Emoto on the memory of water DNA dictates the physical features of an organism. But what dictates how something grows--from the division of cells in a human being to the fractal patterns of a crystal? Massimo Citro reveals that behind the complex world of Nature lies a basic code, a universal information field--also known as the Akashic field, which records all that was, is, and will be--that directs not only physical development and behavior but also energetic communication and interactions among all living and non-living things. The author examines research on consciousness, quantum physics, animal and plant intelligence, the power of intention, emotional fields, Kirlian photography, and the effects of thoughts, emotions, and music on water. Linking the work of Ervin Laszlo on the Akashic field, Rupert Sheldrake on morphogenetic fields, Richard Gerber on vibrational medicine, and Masaru Emoto on the memory of water, Citro shows how the universal information field connects every person, plant, animal, and mineral--a concept long known by shamans and expounded by perennial wisdom. Putting this science of the invisible to practical use, he explains his revolutionary system of vibrational medicine, known as TFF, which uses the information field to obtain the benefits of natural substances and medications in their “pure” informational form, offering side-effect-free remedies for health and well-being.

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