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REMOTE VIEWING: The Complete User's Manual For Coordinate Remote Viewing - includes audio CD

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Do human beings have the power to see across space and time? Are we really more than just the physical? Tens of thousands of students have found unshakable proof of their direct connection to the universe through a teacher named David Morehouse and a technique known as 'Remote Viewing.' Now, this world-renowned expert presents Remote Viewing, the first and only comprehensive teaching manual that gives readers a top-to-bottom exploration of this remarkable practice for training the innate psychic gifts that all humans possess. The book features: Remote Viewing in action--how this technique has yielded incredible results for government agencies, law enforcement, and individuals in their daily lives Applying your gifts--how you can use Remote Viewing to gain insights into your past and future and take charge of your personal destiny Four hundred pages of diagrams, instruction, and self teaching guidelines for Coordinate Remote Viewing,and much more Through his appearances on the Discovery, History, and Syfy channels, his top-selling audio training courses, and his highly acclaimed teaching workshops, David Morehouse has become one of the most recognized and trusted experts on Remote Viewing. For the first time, his vast knowledge of this method for unlocking human potential has been collected in one place for readers with Remote Viewing.


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