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STEERING BY STARLIGHT: The Science & Magic Of Finding Your Destiny

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Rodale Books
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Martha Beck’s remarkable success in helping people to change their lives has won her accolades everywhere from National Public Radio to USA TODAY. She made multiple appearances on Oprah and Good Morning America for the hardcover edition of Steering by Starlight, which now offers readers a powerful set of new tools—fresh coping strategies based on cutting-edge research in psychiatry and neurology—that will help them overcome obstacles and set their lives on course. Dr. Beck’s trademark humor and empathy are at the heart of her gift for helping people who feel disconnected from their true sense of purpose: to locate meaning in their lives. Utilizing the same methods that have proven most effective with her private clients, Dr. Beck reconnects readers with their authentic needs and desires. Whether a person is seeking better relationships, more focused career direction, or a more harmonious lifestyle, Steering by Starlight’s hilarious and touching anecdotes, case studies, and practical exercises will point the way.


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