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CALCULATING THE BAZI: The GanZhi/Chinese Astrology Workbook

$19.95 each

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Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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In this fully illustrated workbook, Dr. Karin Taylor Wu instructs you in the art of creating an individualized Chinese Four Pillar astrology chart.

For the first time to the western audience, learn the traditional method of BaZi calculation without needing a Chinese calendar.

Detailed instructions show how your destiny is contained within your birth chart, and how to understand its changes over the whole lifespan.

Dr Taylor Wu also explains the relationship between your individual BaZi chart and your personality, emotions, health, relationships, aptitudes, and life chances.

With many examples, and worked exercises, including a detailed interpretation of actual charts and case studies, Dr Taylor Wu demonstrates how to bring the GanZhi principles to life.

The workbook provides an essential tool for optimizing personal life choices and for developing healing, consulting, and leadership skills in order to help others.


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