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LAND OF THE GODS: How A Scottish Landscape Was Sanctified To Become Arthur's "Camelot"

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Coppens, Philip
Adventures Unlimited Press
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Land of the Gods is the historical, archeological story of the ancient inhabitants of Scotland, the Lothians and the Borders tribes, whom the Romans called the Goddodin. The Romans did not conquer these ancient inhabitants, though when they retreated from Britain, neighboring tribes tried to lay claim to their lands. Then a magnificent warrior emerged from these ancient Scottish tribes. Remembered as Arthur, he fought for the survival of his land and won, and his Camelot was the Lothians and Borders region. After his reign, the region was finally overrun and his people fled to Wales, where over time, the story of their magical kingdom to the north and their mythical hero coalesced into the myth of Camelot and King Arthur. Today, remnants of the spiritual architecture of these tribes are visible in Cairnpapple, Traprain Law and other ancient Scottish monuments. They accentuated their region's unique volcanic landscape to reflect their mythology, which spoke of gods descending to Earth from the sun god Loth.


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