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DREAM YOGA: How To Awaken The Consciousness In The Internal Worlds--Gnosis, Dreams & Astral Travel - new edition

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Glorian Publishing
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Among the ancient mystics, shamans, Egyptians, Tibetans, and even for modern investigators like Carl Jung, consciousness And The dream state have been of the utmost spiritual and psychological importance. Astral projection, lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, and vision quests are all part of the extensive practical science of Dream Yoga, The sacred knowledge of consciously harnessing the power of the dream state. This book is primarily practical, and is not a scholarly, intellectual treatise. Any sincere practitioner who actively utilizes the clues in this book will open the doors To The inner dimensions of nature And The soul, and thereby come to know the truth of the mysteries that exist beyond the reach of our physical senses.


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