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DNA DEMYSTIFIED, VOL.1: A Practical Guide To Reprogramming The 13 Helixes At Zero Point

$20.00 each

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Aird, Kishori
Institut Kishori Inc.
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Don't be fooled! If you're under the impression that the only way to access the genetic code is through science and technology, you're mistaken. Did you know that DNA possesses a vibratory, electromagnetic field that is sensitive to human intention? Did you know that the study of the human genome covers only 3% of all DNA and that scientists refer to the rest as superfluous or non-coded? Did you know that DNA contains not 2 but 13 strands and that these can be reconnected and activated? Did you know that, much like a computer, DNA possesses built-in programs, and that these can be modified? In her new book, DNA DEMYSTIFIED, A Practical Guide To Reprogramming The 13 Helixes At Zero Point, Kishori Aird unveils previously unpublished information on DNA and how it can be reprogrammed. More specifically, she explains how to install new programs or codes directly into the genes, and provides lists of instructions, referred to as 'modification protocols.' According to Kishori, functioning with all 13 DNA strands allows you to transcend a dualistic vision of reality in order to live 'at zero point,' that is, somewhere between the light and the shadow. At 'zero point,' one enjoys a non-linear perspective, developing compassion, understanding, abundance, humility, and self-esteem.


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