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HEALING POWER OF TREES: Spiritual Journeys Through The Celtic Tree Calendar

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Llewellyn Worldwide
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Walk in the footsteps of Druids and tune into the sacred power and ancient wisdom of trees. From the birch to the willow, Sharlyn Hidalgo introduces all fifteen revered trees of the Celtic Tree Calendar and describes their unique gifts. Go on guided journeys to meet the deities, totems, and guides of each species. Honor each tree with rituals using runes and oghams, symbols and letters of the Celtic Tree Alphabet. Learn from the author's personal stories of revelation. Cultivate a relationship with each of these grand energetic beings, who offer healing, guidance, and higher consciousness. The Healing Power of Trees is your guide to living the principles of the Celtic traditionĂ¹tuning into the rhythms of nature, respecting the land, and fulfilling our role as stewards of our Earth.

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