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CELTIC TAROT - 78 card deck

$23.95 each

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Gaudenzi, G & Tenuta, S
Llewellyn Publications
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Celtic myth and legend, like the Tarot itself, come from a luminous space and provide us with a portal, connecting our everyday lives with the spiritual world. The Celtic Tarots, a synthesis of the mysteries of Celtic lore, the wisdom of the Tarot, and the exquisite art of Gaudenzi and Tenuta, aid in the esoteric art of divination. The illustrations for the Major Arcana are shaped by Celtic myth, legend, and history. á Publisher Review: Warning Will Robinson! When I saw that the Celtic Tarot was created by two different artists I was worried. The last time I saw a deck drawn by multiple artists (IÆm not going to mention its name) it seemed like a total joke. There was no continuity, no tone, no style, not overall meaning that went through the deck, making it virtually unusable for anything. All I could think of was that silly, bulbous robot from the Lost in Space TV show (actually, it was much better when it originally appeared in the classic movie Forbidden Planet) running around warning the future creator of the song 'Fish Heads' to beware of dangers like giant carrots. When I saw the deck, however, I breathed a sigh of relief. This deck is good and more.


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