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REVELATIONS TAROT - kit includes book, 78-card deck & black organdy bag; boxed

$29.99 each

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Wong, Zach
Llewellyn Publications
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Many feel that interpreting reversals, the upside-down cards in a tarot spread, offers additional depth and insight to readings. But reversals are not easy for those who haven''t mastered this age-old divination practice. 'Revelations Tarot' makes it easy for beginners to use simple reversals too. Each card of this exquisite deck has reversible images that allow for interpretation no matter which way the card is laid. Striking imagery-bearing a sophisticated stained glass style with illuminated colors-enliven all the major and minor arcana of this innovative, Rider-Waite-based deck. Divinatory meanings of the cards and their reversals, along with several spreads, are provided in the accompanying Revelations Tarot Companion.


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