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NECRONOMICON TAROT - 78 cards, book & black organdy bag

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Tyson, Donald & Stokes, Anne
Llewellyn Publications
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Donald Tyson strikes again with another innovative tribute to renowned occult writer H. P. Lovecraft. Tyson's trilogy of works-inspired by the magical adventures of the mad sorcerer Abdul Alhazred-achieves brilliant completion with Necronomicon Tarot. Gruesome gods, sinister monsters and other strange creatures lurk throughout this fully functional tarot deck. All seven rulers of the Old Ones from Tyson's Necronomicon star among the deck's trumps, including the great amphibian deity Dagon as the Hierophant and the ancient witch I'thakuah as the Hermit. The symbolism of these vividly illustrated cards corresponds with astrology, the elements, and the Golden Dawn, while the deck's structure honours the boundaries of traditional tarot. The enclosed book features detailed descriptions of the cards and the meaning for both upright and reversed positions. Tyson also offers divination guidance and a special divination spread.

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