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TAROT OF VAMPYRES - 78-card deck & book

$29.99 each

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Llewellyn Worldwide
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Blood-red roses entwined in briar stems. Glistening pale-marble skin. Coiled serpents staring with eyes of fire. The vampyre legend is rooted in darkness and seduction, but its enduring message is one of spiritual hungerùto drink in the everlasting divine. Featuring Ian Daniels' masterfully and meticulously crafted artwork, The Tarot of Vampyres is the most visually stunning vampyre deck on the market. This sumptuously rendered tarot is a tool for spiritual awakening, inviting you to delve into your inner shadows and emerge in radiant light. Inspired by the Rider-Waite structure, the 78-card deck includes familiar figures such as the fool, the empress, and the lovers, depicted with Gothic style imagery steeped in the entrancing world of vampyres. A companion guide interprets the symbolism in each card and provides enriching exercises, innovative spreads, and instructions for creating your own shadow profile and vampyre character.

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