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DARK GRIMOIRE TAROT - 78-cards & instruction booklet

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Alligo, Pietro & Minetti, Riccardo & Penco, Michele
Llewellyn Publications
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Deliciously dark and grimly enchanting, this dread tarot will help you connect with your inner shadow. Strange creatures and powerful sorcerers dwell in savage landscapesùan inspiring realm where magick is reality. This ominous, exquisitely crafted tarot is ideal for magicians, witches, horror fans, and anyone drawn to the dark side. Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet Flip side of box is in Spanish: Tarot Oscuro de Grimoire Publisher Review: Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890û1937) was a mildly successful writer of short stories known as 'pulp fiction.' This was a designation based on the inexpensive, pocket-sized magazines where his stories appeared. These small magazines were published on cheap paper known as 'pulp.' Today, only a few magazines that were originally 'pulps' remain, one of them being FATE magazine. Most of those that survived are now full-size. Lovecraft was deeply influenced by earlier and contemporary writers such as Ambrose Bierce and Robert W. Chambers, who not only told a story, but projected a mood. He eventually developed a style that featured a mood of horror lying just beyond what we normally see and hear, horror that is liable to break through into our unknowing world at any moment. He created an entire other world populated by evil powerful beings intent on taking over the Earth. According to the stories...read more. á

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