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ROBIN WOOD TAROT DECK - 78 card deck

$23.99 each

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Wood, Robin
Llewellyn Publications
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'The Robin Wood Tarot' has rapidly become one of the most popular Tarot decks in the world. And no wonder! Robin Wood''s beautiful art, with its vibrant imagery and luminous energies, has enchanted Pagans and non-Pagans alike. Wood combines the traditional Tarot card designs and symbolism with a more current and natural symbolism. If you are new to the Tarot, this makes the cards easy to interpret. If you''ve been working with the Tarot for a longer time, this will open you to new insights and clarity in all of your readings. The fifty-six page booklet that accompanies the deck gives you the information you need to start giving readings. The meaning of every card, both upright and reversed, is given. Three Tarot layouts are also described so you can start giving readings right away. You may want to add your own ideas to the interpretation, The booklet says: 'Review the deck card by card. Study the images and color schemes. Pay attention to the emotions you experience while meditating on each card. Write these insights in a notebook for future reference - this will eventually become your own personal guide to interpreting the cards.' The shining strength of this Tarot deck lies in its depiction of the fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana. All of these cards spring into pulsating life! The characters on the cards almost seem to breathe. Often, the cards seem so dimensional that you get the feeling you could jump into them. You are going to love 'The Robin Wood Tarot.' One of Aeclectic Tarot''s Top Ten Decks of all Time!


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