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ENCHANTED MAP ORACLE CARDS - 54-card deck & guidebook

$21.99 each

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Hay House Inc
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     Imagine . . . between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness. Using this card deck by Colette Baron-Reid will connect you to that larger Consciousness and guide you as you travel along on the journey of your life. The themes of these 52 cards represent some of the places you’ll visit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies and challengers you’ll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of your life’s journey. The enclosed guidebook will help you ask the right questions and interpret the messages in your readings.      The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards were created in order to empower you to understand the story of your fate, destiny, and free will; and allow you to chart a course to live a life of deep purpose, true prosperity, and vibrant love. Step into the Enchanted Map . . . and watch the magic come alive!

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