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GAIA ORACLE - 45 cards and guidebook in a hard-cover box set

$23.95 each

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Salerno, Toni Carmine
Blue angel Publishiing
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Far back in time, light from the underlying fabric of creation burst forth creating the super-luminous event through which our Universe was born. Time began its endless journey through ever-expanding space. The early universe was simply a sea of particles floating through space and time. But life's invisible wheels were already in motion and over time the sea of particles became a sea of stars from which Gaia, our Earth, was born - a living, breathing entity - our Goddess, our Mother and our reflection. The Gaia Oracle, a beautiful new oracle set from bestselling artist Toni Carmine Salerno, consists of 45 richly illustrated cards designed to point you in love's direction and help you find the answers you seek.

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