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SIMPLE PROSPERITY: Finding Real Wealth In A Sustainable Lifestyle

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Wann, David
St. Martin's Griffin
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Ináhis bestselleráAffluenza, David Wann and his co-authors diagnosed the debilitating disease of over-consumption.á In Simple Prosperity he shows readers how we can overcome this diseaseábyáinvesting ináa variety ofáreal wealth sources. To recaptureáa more abundant and sustainableálifestyle,átry: - Creating a richer life story through personal growth incentives - Forming higher-yield friendships and stronger bonds through social capital - Taking preventive healthcare measures to build up wellness reserves - Balancing the biological budget through ôgreenerö currency - Caring for people, not just cars, to improve your neighborhood wealth index - Resolving that pesky carbon conundrum through energy savings - Celebrating instead of desecrating! Cultural prosperity futures value the earth as a sacred placeIn our age of hedge fund hysteria, Simple Prosperity is aánew way of investingáthat will save our sanity and the planet.


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