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BODY MIND BALANCING: A Guide To Making Friends With Your Body - includes audio CD

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Many everyday discomforts and tensions arise from the fact that we are alienated from our bodies. With the help of Body Mind Balancing, readers will learn to talk to and reconnect with their bodies. After just a short time, readers will begin to appreciate how much the body has been working for them and supporting them, and from this new perspective one can find new ways to work with the body and create a more harmonious balance of body and mind.The guided meditation and relaxation process, 'Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind' is a CD that accompanies the text. Developed by Osho, this meditative therapy guides the listener in reconnecting with his or her body and creating a new and greater sense of well-being.The voice on the CD belongs to meditation teacher Anando Hefley.


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