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Weiss, Brian L
Hay House
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The MEDITATION REGRESSION Series . . . helps you discover and learn meditation and regression techniques. The meditations utilize powerful imagery to promote physical, mental, and spiritual healing and renewal; profound relaxation; and deeper self-understanding. The regressions provide different techniques for retrieval of memories from this lifetime and prior lifetimes, as well as methods to access spiritual states and inner wisdom. (The other two CDs in this series are: REGRESSION TO TIMES AND PLACES and SPIRITUAL PROGRESS THROUGH REGRESSION.) REGRESSION THROUGH THE MIRRORS OF TIME is a past-life exercise in which Dr. Brian L. Weiss leads you first to childhood memories in this lifetime, then guides you to visualize yourself in many mirrors of light, in different (often ancient) times and places. This will enable you to discover the blocks and obstacles that impede your present-day peace and joy. The meditation incorporates positive affirmations, allowing you to find the peace and love that lies within you. You’re also given the opportunity to contact a wise and loving being or guide.


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