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HEALING POWER OF MEDITATION: Your Prescription For Getting Well & Staying Well With Meditation - includes meditation CD

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Weiss, Gabriel
Basic Health Publications
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Medical research now confirms something that Buddhists have maintained for centuries: meditation can cause physical changes in the brain and body.As a medical intern thirty years ago, Gabriel Weiss observed that meditation healed symptoms of stress and was preferable to tranquilizers, which often cause adverse side effects. Since then, meditation has become an important part of Dr. Weisss practice, helping his patients recover from many medical conditions. Pain, heart disease, cancer, and depression are just a few of the common conditions meditation can help. He often encounters patients with problems that wont respond to medication, but will lessen or resolve with medication. In this book, he shows how to unlock this self-healing power.The Healing Power of Meditation ingeniously combines medical studies, neuroscientific research, clinical case histories, spiritual wisdom, jazz lyrics, poems, paintings, and Zen philosophy, weaving together a set of principles and meditative practices that you can easily integrate into your daily life. Each section incorporates simple exercises to help you take the ideas and practices discussed to a deeper level.Some section topics include: - Meditation and wellness: What meditation is; what health benefits result; how to meditate and extend that positive energy into our daily activities. - Healing illness: How the mind works during meditation, causing biological changes in the body; and specific meditation exercises for healing specific medical conditions. - Meditative strategies for the moment: A variety of meditative techniques to use, depending on your mood the environment, work pressures, and other real-life variables. - Mindful art: Using music, art, and literature as a doorway to meditation land healing. - Advanced meditation practices and Zen concepts: Techniques and teachings to deepen your understanding of meditation, and your commitment to its practice.Written for people with little time for formal daily meditation exercise, The Healing Power of Meditation teaches that, with practice, you can learn to unlock and benefit from meditations healing power almost anywhere, anytime. Suggests dozens of books, tapes, and CDS, as additional resources


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