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HEALING POWER OF THE HUMAN VOICE: Mantras, Chants...For Health & Harmony - includes CD

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D'Angelo, James
Healing Arts Press
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A complete introduction to using the sounds of the voice to promote healing• Explains the emotional meanings and healing attributes of human vocal expression, from vowels and consonants to natural sounds such as laughter or sighs• Includes easy-to-follow vocal and breathing exercises• Contains chants and mantras from cultures around the worldAs infants and children we use our vocalizations to express our needs and emotions. As we grow older these vocalizations become confined to language. The suppression of emotional sounds because they may be considered childish or undignified is quite commonplace in Western cultures. Yet when done with vigor, the sounds made by laughing, groaning, humming, keening, and sighing hold within them great power for healing.In The Healing Power of the Human Voice James D'Angelo introduces the concepts behind sound healing and provides simple, practical exercises for beginners. He explains in detail the meanings and healing attributes of the whole range of human vocal expression, from vowels and consonants to the natural sounds of laughter or sighs. He praises the power of singing and reveals the ways in which group singing can contribute to physical and mental health. He also presents authentic classical chants and mantras from cultures around the world and shows how we can combine various vocal sounds to form our own mantra to help clear chakra blockages. All of the sounds discussed, as well as the techniques for producing overtones, are placed in a ritualized context and are accompanied by simple movements to enhance tuning the body toward inner harmony, health, and peace.


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