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NOSTRADAMUS, BIBLIOMANCER: The Man, The Myth, The Truth - includes audio CD

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Career Press
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Do you think Nostradamus, the famous 16th century 'Prophet of Provence,' was some kind of magician, perhaps a doctor, astrologer, and seer, too? If so, Peter Lemesurier's revelation that he was really just an ordinary man using an equally ordinary technique may come as a shock. After re-examining the original sources, Lemesurier concludes that Nostradamus was in fact neither a doctor nor an astrologer, nor even (by his own admission) a prophet. He merely believed that history repeats itself, thus and projected known past events onto the future. To do so, he used the process of bibliomancy--randomly selecting extracts of randomly chosen books, then claiming 'divine inspiration.' Unsurprisingly, he has almost never been proved right.


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