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FAME, FORTUNE, AND AMBITION: What Is The Value In Striving For Worldly Success? - includes DVD

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St. Martin's Press
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ôI want you to be rich in every possible way û material, psychological, spiritual. I want you to live the richest life that has ever been lived on the earth.ö--OshoThe Osho Life Essentials series focuses on the most important questions in the life of the individual. Each volume contains timeless and always-contemporary investigations and discussions into questions vital to our personal search for meaning and purpose, focusing on questions specific to our inner life and quality of existence.Fame, Fortune, and Ambition examines the symptoms and psychology of preoccupations with money and celebrity. Where does greed come from? Do values like competitiveness and ambition have a place in bringing innovation and positive change? Why do celebrities and the wealthy seem to have so much influence in the world? Is it true that money canÆt buy happiness? These questions are tackled with a perspective that is thought-provoking, surprising--and particularly relevant to our troubled economic times.Fame, Fortune, and Ambition includes an original talk by Osho on DVD. This visual component enables the reader to experience the direct wisdom and humor of Osho straight from the source.


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