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SMILE AT FEAR: A Retreat With Pema Chodron On Discovering Your Radiant Self-Confidence - 2 DVD

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Random House Inc
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We all have fears, but when we look closely at them, we discover that behind each fear resides a basic fear of ourselves. We’re afraid to look at our habitual styles of thinking and behaving because we might not always like what we see. Ironically it is this fear of honest self-reflection that keeps us trapped in patterns of stress and discontentment. Here is a vision for moving beyond this most basic fear to discover the innate bravery, trust, and joy that reside at the core of our being. In this recorded retreat, Pema Chödrön shares teachings inspired by the book Smile at Fear, which was written by her teacher Chögyam Trungpa. She, and her teaching assistant, Carolyn Rose Gimian, also share practices they received from Trungpa Rinpoche for courageously meeting ourselves in the present moment, including: •    The Windhorse Practice: a three-step meditation on awakening confidence •    Spiritual Warrior training for meeting life with courage and compassion •    Meditation instruction for calming the mind and developing concentration


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