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Berkowitz, Rita & Romaine, D
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-- Covers the vast spectrum of spirit communication, from seances and past-life connections to interpreting messages from beyond and harnessing animal energy.-- Shows how to ask the right questions -- and be open to the answers.-- Using spirit energy to heal yourself -- and the world.How often have you picked up the phone to call your sister, brother, parent, friend, or lover for no apparent reason to then find out that something significant has happened or is going on in that person's life? The bonds between you connect you in ways that transcend conscious communication. We welcome, and even expect, these connections as evidence of the depth of our relationships. As these bonds connect us to others in our physical lives, so too do they extend beyond physical boundaries. Many people expect to stay in contact with loved ones even after passing on. Spouses, parents and children, dear friends -- people connected through love in the physical world and separated by death -- an establish and maintain contact that transcends life and death.

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