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DEPRESSION FALLOUT: The Impact Of Depression On Couples & What You Can Do To Preserve The Bond

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Sheffield, Anne
Harper Paperbacks
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Using the vivid, poignant and personal stories of the members of a website support group she founded (www.depressionfallout.com), Anne Sheffield, the author of two highly acclaimed books on depression, provides an honest record of what happens to a love relationship once depression enters the picture, and offers solid advice on what the nonûdepressed partner can do to improve his or her own life and the relationship. Of the millions of people who suffer from a depressive illness, few suffer in solitude. They draw the people they love û spouses, parents, children, lovers, friends û into their illness. In her first book, How You Can Survive When They're Depressed, Anne Sheffield coined the phrase 'depression fallout' to describe the emotional toll on the depressive's family and close friends who are unaware of their own stressful reactions and needs. She outlined the five stages of depression fallout (confusion, selfûdoubt, demoralisation, anger, and the need to escape) and explained that these reactions are a natural result of living with a depressed person.


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