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PRACTICAL GUIDE TO VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE: Energy Healing & Spiritual Transformation

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Gerber, Richard
Harper Paperbacks
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At the dawn of the 21st century, the old paradigms of medicine have begun to fall apart. We no longer believe that our bodies are machines with parts that wear down, only to be braced up by drugs or replaced through surgery. Instead, a growing number of pioneering researchers embrace a new view of healing û one expounded by Dr. Richard Gerber in his groundbreaking bestûseller, Vibrational Medicine. Now he shows how to put this new way of thinking into practical use, describing the role of consciousness and 'thought forms,' as well as the benefits of homoeopathy, acupuncture, colour and light healing, magnetobiology, and other therapies. A traditionally trained physician, Dr. Gerber combines scientific evidence with traditional methods from the East and West to unlock our potential for healing ourselves.


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