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SECOND SIGHT: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Extraordinary Story & Shows You How To Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom - new

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Three Rivers Press
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'An exemplary and eloquently written story that makes it easy for nonbelievers in intuition to believe. You must read this book.'áûáPsychology TodayNow with a new foreword from the author,áNew York Timesábestselling author Dr. Judith Orloff tells her remarkable life story and teaches you how to recognize and trust your own intuitive gifts to improve your lifeùand the lives of those around you.áIn this updated edition, Dr. Orloff reflects on her career and the sea change that modern medicine and psychiatry have experienced sinceáSecond Sightáwas first published.á She expands her earlier ideas and further explores intuitionÆs role in maintaining physical health and emotional well-being, using examples from her own and her patientsÆ lives. This is both a remarkable self-portrait of one womanÆs journey toward the acceptance of intuition as a therapeutic tool, and a comprehensive look at how you, too, can develop your intuition, transform your health, and revolutionize your everyday life.ááá'Orloff is a true visionary.áShe is the kind of physician we wish we all had.' û Caroline Myss, Ph.D., author ofáSacred Contractsá'Second Sightáis a page turner...controversial. It shares the struggles and successes of a courageous physician who fights against a skeptical medical system to validate the power of intuition. You will find a new friend in Judith as her writing is as intimate as if she was talking to you in her living room.' ùJoan Borysenko, Ph.D., author ofáMending the Mind, Minding the Spiritá'Judith Orloff is a seriously talented storyteller, and her book moves like a thriller...Forgive me this moment of intuition, but this book feels right.'áûJesse Kornbluth,áHuffington Postá

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